Maria's Space: Opposing Teams Sibling Rivalry

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Opposing Teams Sibling Rivalry

The kids had a half day today. I picked them up and headed to my friend's house for a little while. The kids were playing with her dog and I noticed they were wearing Football Jersey's today. My son is a diehard FOOTBALL fan. He loves the sport but when asked over four years ago who his favorite team was he stated Dallas Cowboys. My husband is a life long NY Giant's fan. He hates the cowboys so it was only to be expected that his son would have an opposing team favorite. My husband and his dad didn't like the same team either. My daughter is NOT a football fan but her Daddy likes the Giants so she likes the Giants. Maybe one day she will find a love the sport. I have been trying for over 35 years and still can't get into it.

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