Maria's Space: Hello Mr. Dodo by Nicholas John Frith

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Hello Mr. Dodo by Nicholas John Frith


Martha is absolutely cuckoo for birds! She's identified every single bird in the woods behind her house. But one day she sees a bird unlike any other... Can that really be a dodo? It turns out that dodos make very good friends (and are crazy about doughnuts!). But when Martha's secret gets out and the whole town wants to see her new friend, will Martha have to say good-bye to Mr. Dodo?

The 411:

Hello Mr. Dodo is about a girl named Martha and her love all of birds. She knows the name of each bird until she comes upon a bird she has never seen before. After researching she discovers this is the extinct Dodo bird. Worried for his safety she keeps him a secret until one day she accidentally slips and tells the mailman about her friend Mr. Dodo. Thinking fast she comes up with a way to protect her friend. Toward the end of the story we learn she was not the only one keeping a secret. WINK!

This is a fun book that kids and adult readers will love with colorful 60s style illustrations.


Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered. 

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