Maria's Space: Diverse Catering Options

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Diverse Catering Options

How guests eat on your wedding day is only your choice. When searching for a catering company, you will find many of them have diverse catering styles. You no longer have to take the conventional route to satisfy your guest’s appetite, there are many choices available to you. When using specialty catering, they can help you plan a unique strategy for how you want food served. Many of these companies will accommodate you at any catering location of your choice.

Plated Meal

Of course, there is the conventional strategy of a plated meal, and is used by many couples. This is best for weddings with a shorter guest list, and usually have a formal tone. The atmosphere is relaxed, with no worries of battling in lines at the buffet tables. When using this service, expect it to be fast with not much wait time.

Buffet Catering

Another route to go with catering is, buffet. Best for a laid back type of wedding mostly informal, with long guest list. No need to have a strict seating chart, guests usually sit where they please. Buffets have a large food diversity, great for them picky eaters or one with food allergies. Buffet catering tends to have less complaints compared to other types of catering.

Family Style

Family style is another way you can have a catering company serve food at your wedding. Food this way is not as diverse as a buffet, but offer more variety than plated dinners. Best when used for casual weddings, with an inviting tone. This type of catering sets an atmosphere that is of oneness. Seating is same as with buffet catering, no strict seating rule needed. Your specialty careering company will require less wait staff than plated meals, but more than a buffet.

Just inform the catering company the catering location, and they will help you choose what type of strategy would suit you best.

For the best options in catering/banquets and unforgettable service in Glendale, CA visit for more.

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