Maria's Space: Just Finished Between A Vamp And A Hard Place By Jessica Sims

Monday, January 04, 2016

Just Finished Between A Vamp And A Hard Place By Jessica Sims

BETWEEN A VAMP AND A HARD PLACE (Pocket Books; December 29, 2015; $7.99) by Jessica Sims

The 411:

Well, this was a great way to end 2015 and start a new year. Vampire love never grows old in my eyes and there is no pun intended. I LOVE IT!

Lindsey and her partner/friend Gemma head over to Italy to hopefully grab some amazing antiques. Lindsey isn't sure this will be worth the trip, time or expense until she stumbles upon a secret room downstairs that is stocked full of amazing pieces that will undoubtedly make everything quite worth this trip including a coffin that contains a very very old vampire who wants to find out who staked him. Lindsey didn't plan on becoming a food source, traipsing all over Venice or falling for a vampire but since meeting Rand, her life will never be the same. 

I really really enjoyed the first part of the book with Gemma and Lindsey. I thoroughly enjoyed Rand trying to wrap his head around all the modern day things like showers, clean hair, door knobs and cell phones to name a few. My absolute favorite character is Gemma who thankfully was included in the traipsing thanks to text messaging. All in all a fun book I will be looking for more Jessica Sims books.

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