Maria's Space: Discover Cross Stitch, A Truly Timeless Art

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Discover Cross Stitch, A Truly Timeless Art

Cross stitch embroidery is a truly timeless needle art that's perfect for everyone. It can be easy enough for a beginner to enjoy or complex enough to challenge and delight a seasoned expert.

Cross stitch is one of the most ancient forms of embroidery, with the oldest known cross stitch design dated to about 500 AD. Though the earliest cross stitch designs were mainly geometric patterns used to embellish clothing, modern cross stitch uses a variety of subtly shaded threads to create intricate and lifelike pictures that can be compared to "painting with thread".

One of the great beauties of cross stitch embroidery is its simplicity. A classic cross stitch design is a pattern of x-shaped stitches worked in colored thread on even weave fabric. Cross stitch samplers were a classic means of teaching needle skills to girls for centuries, and it remains an ideal needle craft for beginners of all ages.

Cross stitch is also a very affordable and extremely portable needle art. No expensive equipment is needed; a needle, a hoop, some thread and fabric is all it takes. Supplies are available in retail stores everywhere as well as from online specialty sites like Threaded Needle. Getting started on cross stitch is fast and easy and even new stitchers can produce beautiful items in a relatively short time.

Whether you're looking for a new hobby or you're an experience needle artist interested in expanding your crafting horizons, give cross stitch Australia a try.

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