Maria's Space: Pride or Concerned?! Goddess, Future Undecided

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Pride or Concerned?! Goddess, Future Undecided

Clawdeen attacks. Unsure whether I should be concerned or proud. This scene was set up by my almost 9 year old Goddess.  Notice the details like the bloody scratches and bite marks.


  1. Perhaps that is something she saw on TV

    1. Nah...just wanted to create a scene. She loves watching monster make up shows and tutorials. This was a scene of a wolf girl eating flesh. We thought it was very imaginative.

  2. I think she has an overactive imagination mixed with great tv, like Hemi suggested. I wouldn't be too concerned if its on Barbies. See it is art and let her be creative. Maybe she will be the next great movie director! :-)

    1. LOL! That is exactly how we think too Freda. We think it is genius. Just wanted to create a title that made people want to read it. Her aunt said the same thing

  3. hahaha! as long as she doesn't leave bloody scratches and bite marks on her brother I think she'll be okay ;)

    1. LOL! Exactly. It is pretty funny. She had been posing the doll when she turned her over and said, it looks like she should be eating out of a dog bowl like a wolf. The next thing I know she is asking if she could bloody up the arm of a doll. We let her roll her way.


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