Maria's Space: Color Carnival #96

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Color Carnival #96

This week our winner with 1 vote is Lorie's Flowers!  Awesome photos everyone. I always have trouble picking a favorite.

Welcome to another colorful week here at Color Carnival!

We will run till Thursday at midnight. At which point a voting button will show up, giving you time to vote and Saturday morning a new post will go up with the prior week's winner. Sound good?

Hope everyone had a great week.


  1. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Thanks for the win... and I'm looking forward to all the lovely photos that will be posted this week.
    Lorie @ The Shewbridges of Central Florida

  2. Lovely flowers, Lorie!

  3. I'm totally loving all the colors... I wish I had a camera, haha!


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