Maria's Space: Tidbits from My InBox

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Tidbits from My InBox

There is so much going on this month! Whoossh....I can barely catch my breath.

First, medical issues this month will see me back at the hospital for a surgery. May take me a little longer to get back to everyone after the week of the 13th and I apologize if you don't hear from me right away. Trying to staying positive and focused.

Calling all Grey's Anatomy Fans - Check out this contest!
Exergen, the manufacturer of the popular TemporalScanner forehead thermometer, is bringing you the chance to win one for your home! The hospital model of the Temporal Scanner has been seen on the hit TV show Grey’s Anatomy* this season. If you can be one of the first people to “Spot the Scanner” in this week’s episode and email your name, address, time and the specific doctor who was using it, you could win!

Pretty Cool! The contest will run through the rest of the season.

Colgate is having a contest on Facebook! You can enter and win 1 of three prizes: a trip to Hawaii, a Nikon D90 Digital Camera,or a Canon EOS Digital Camera.

It is super easy too.

  1. Click the 'Enter the contest' butto
  2. Create a slideshow using photos of your favorite people and things
  3. Share your slideshow and get your family and friends to vote for yours
  4. The person who creates the slideshow with the most votes by 12/24/10 could win
  5. You can build a new slideshow every week, giving you up to six opportunities to win

Why should the kids have all the fun? Don't forget to play too! Have a sexy holiday!
My Pleasure
You are welcome! Enjoy.


  1. More surgery? Crappolla!!
    Will be thinking of you and have you in my prayers.

  2. Praying your surgery and time at the hospital is extremely undramatic and not at all roller coaster-like this time!!!!


I love comments. Please feel free to leave a comment. I would love to talk to you further