Maria's Space: Eat The Cookie, Buy The Shoes by Joyce Meyer

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Eat The Cookie, Buy The Shoes by Joyce Meyer

Thanks to Hachette Book Group I received an audiobook of Eat The Cookies, Buy The Shoes by Joyce Meyer.

Full Description

Engrained in our culture is the belief that unbending discipline is the only sure way to success. You must go to the gym five times a week, never order the dessert, and don't even think about buying that dress you keep staring at in the store window. Breaking from such a regimented lifestyle is a sign of weakness, right? Wrong!-and Joyce wants to tell us why...

Though setting rules in our lives are important, it's just as important that we break them from time-to-time. Structure is a powerful tool, but when diverging from your own goals is seen as catastrophic, it can have a hugely negative effect on us. Balance is a core value in life and every once in awhile we deserve to indulge in a guilty pleasure or two. So don't feel bad about straying from your goals every once-in-awhile and in fact, embrace it: eat the cookie and buy the shoes!

For a video of Joyce talking about her book and the guilt folks feel go here.

This book will help you find the freedom to...

  • Do something you enjoy and not feel guilty about it
  • Celebrate Jesus and what He’s doing in you
  • Reward yourself for progress instead of punishing yourself every time you fail
  • Give yourself permission to lighten up when facing challenges while staying spiritually balanced... don't be so hard on yourself
(Joyce Meyer Ministries)


  1. Right now I'm reading her book Battlefield of the Mind.
    Wow, it's a powerful book too.
    I mean for any one who has one of those minds that always talking at them and won't shut up. If you have a hard time sleeping because your brain just keeps beating you up with the same stuff over and over, or starts thinking about the bad what if's, this would be a book worth using in your life.
    My husband read it first, then handed it over to me. I've actually put a lot of it to use in my own personal life and I actually have an easier time falling to sleep, except on the nights I'm having a lot of physical pain related to a genetic nerve condition. Yet, on the nights my physical pains are at a tolerable level I'm not staying away because my brain won't shut up. I'm now able to recognize what I'm doing to myself with the bad what if's and just put everything into God's hands and get on with the business of resting and sleeping.
    This is one woman that is truly letting God help people through what he has given her to write to have available to us, if we should choose to seek it out.
    Seek and ye shall find.

  2. Sounds like a great book, thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
    I know that we could all use permission to be good to ourselves every now and again.

  3. Screw the shoes, just give me the darn cookie.
    P.S. Sorry for the bombardment of comments from me. I've been away from the computer for a week so I'm playing catch up. Hope you don't mind!


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