Maria's Space: When to Consider Moving Your Elderly Relative to a Residential Home

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

When to Consider Moving Your Elderly Relative to a Residential Home

Many seniors would rather spend the rest of their days at home than within a residential home. However, for yoursenior’s health, it is not always the right decision to stay living independently. As such, if you are struggling with the decision of whether to move your elderly person into a residential home, here is when you should consider rethinking theirliving options again. 

• When They Are Struggling to Stay Independent 

One of the greatest reasons why people decide to move into a residential home is because they are struggling to stay independent. If you have modified their house and still find that they are finding it difficult to complete simple tasks, such as washing, cooking and cleaning, you should consider whether it is the right time to sell their home. This is especially the case if they do not have the extra support they need from friends or relatives, or if they have started to need more constant support than home help can offer you. However, first, you might investigate home adaptations such as stair lifts that could allow your senior to stay put. 

• When Their Health is Declining 

As your senior gets older, they may begin to develop more health issues that may make it hard for them to live well and enjoy life. As such, if their health is impacting their mobility and cognitive function, you should consider whether it might be time to move them into a residential home. This is especially the case if their health is expected to worsen or if the nursing home in question has expert staff and facilities that could help them to live alongside their health issue, such as dementia care. As such, if their health is buckling, you should consider looking at the nursing homes near you. For instance, at, they can offer your loved onespacious and modern rooms with en-suites that can give them the facilities that they need to thrive while offering themsupport for their health condition. This will then ensure that you do not have to constantly worry about the decline of their health and how they can handle this at home. Before you do this, though, you might look into home alarms and other devices that could improve their health and help them to look after it at home. 

• When Their Home Has Become Dangerous 

Sometimes, the home that they love and have always felt safe in can start to become dangerous to your senior. This is especially the case if they have a condition such as dementia. For instance, you might start to find that they have more slip-and-fall accidents, or that they trip more easily on rugs and on your stairs. As such, if their home has started to present hazards to them and if you have started to worry about their safety when living at home, you should consider looking at residential homes that have been designed specifically with seniors and those with health conditions in mind. In these homes, they will also be able to get instant medical care if they find that they slip or have an accident.

Photo Credit

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:


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