Maria's Space: How to keep your family safe

Saturday, November 06, 2021

How to keep your family safe



Every parent wants to keep their family safe. Whether it’swearing a helmet on a bike or installing a home security system, you’d wrap your kids in cotton if you could. However, it’s also important to ensure that you’re not stopping them from learning. This guide will show you how to keep your family safe. 


Buckle up


Statistics show that wearing a seat belt can prevent serious injury and even save your life in an accident. This is especially important for passengers on the front and back seats of cars andon buses or boats. Buckling up at all times is crucial, so you don’t risk the chance of getting hurt without it, no matter how short your trip is.


Get protective equipment


Whether it’s a helmet or kneepads, protective equipment can make skating, biking, hiking, and other activities safer. Ensure your kids know how to safely use the equipment they have andencourage them to always wear their gear when engaging in risky activities.


Invest in first aid kits


Accidents happen. It’s wise to always carry a first aid kit in your car or stash one in your home, especially if there are small children around. A good kit will have bandages, antiseptic wipes, and painkillers that everyone should know how to use. You should also invest in more specific first aid equipment. For example, you should purchase a gunshot trauma kit.


Prevent falls


While it’s important to teach kids how to do risky things, you shouldn’t give them too much trust. For example, be sure your children are wearing good shoes, especially if they are adventurous outdoors, and their paths are well lit at night. You should also install handrails in the bathroom, as falls are common in the slippery tiles there.


Prevent poisoning


If you have toddlers, never leave medication or cleaning supplies where they can reach them. Teach them from a young age that pills and cleaners are not toys. If medicine is required, ask your doctor about the safest kind of dosage for children and always keep track of how many pills each child has taken. Make sure to store all chemicals in a locked cabinet.


Be watchful near water


It’s important to teach children the dangers of water when they are young. Prevent them from going in pools without supervision, and never leave a child unattended near a pool or even bathwater. Teach your kids how to swim and let them play in shallow waters. If you do take your kids to the beach or any other area with big bodies of water, be sure to keep an eye out for rip currents and other dangers. It’s also important to watch your child while they are in the bathtub.


Keep children from choking


Choking can happen when a child puts something in their mouth that is too big or small, comes from the ground, or is harmful. So be sure you’re looking out for anything in your house that could be potential choking hazards, and make sure to keep breakable objects away from kids. It’s also important to teach children not to run or play around while they are eating.


Be prepared for fire


Every home should have at least one fire extinguisher, but it’salso important to teach kids about fire safety. Keep lighters and matches out of their reach, make sure your smoke detectors are functional, and avoid leaving candles burning when you go to sleep. If a fire ever does happen, everyone must exit the house quickly.


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