Maria's Space: She Is Heading To High School....Time For A Special Gift

Monday, August 19, 2019

She Is Heading To High School....Time For A Special Gift

If you have been following me since the beginning you will know my kids have been a big part of my blog for a long time. They were always included especially in the beginning and reading my old posts, watching my You Tube Videos makes me sad for their "younger years". 

This year my Goddess is starting high school. It is shockingly hard for me. I don't want her to grow up but I am so happy to see what she does with the next 4 years of her life. 

She is NOT ready to start because it means she is getting older and she also is wise enough to know that with age comes get responsibility. I wanted her to know I have her back and there is nothing I don't think she can't do. She is a superstar and the only thing holding her back would be herself. I have worked with She Knew She Could before. I have given a necklace from them to my sister-in-law and a bracelet to my bestie and sister at times when they needed a lift me up, a reminder that they are superstars and they got this!  Now Goddess has a necklace for those moments when she is feeling nervous  or needs a reminder that she can get through anything. 

It is truly the best gift for someone or for yourself. 

When she opened the box, the necklace was a little twisted but she was able to get it out in 5 minutes using  tweezers.

From Their Website:
 This power necklace comes on an 18 inch matching chain that will not tarnish.
The Necklace comes on one of the below gift cards, in one of our special SKSC gift boxes.
Blue: She Knew She Could SO SHE DID.
Wear the charm with our heart logo facing up, keeping the words just for you, or turn it the other way, whichever feels right for you. Our necklace is gorgeous alone or layers with pieces from your own collection. The gold tone stainless steel will not tarnish.

She loves the symbol and the meaning behind the triangle.  She gave me a weird look when she saw the word B-I-T-C-H. I am someone who doesn't believe this word should be used as a term of endearment for women an she was raised this way and understands why I don't like it. When I showed her the little note card with the reason for the letters she got it!

She wears it with her cross and loved it. I may need to get one for myself. There have been days this summer that I could have really used this!

To Order The Power Necklace visit
 She Knew She Could

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered and all opinions are mine.

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