Maria's Space: Opening Your Little Ones' Eyes to Connecticut

Monday, February 19, 2018

Opening Your Little Ones' Eyes to Connecticut

When we have children, we want to give them the best upbringing possible. We want to educate them, widen their horizons and give them a broad understanding of the world that surrounds them. We don’t want them to be confined to the place they’re born in, remaining oblivious to what lies outside of their state borders. So it’s important that we give them a thorough education regarding what else there is out there. Now, books will get them so far. They can give them a brief to an in-depth understanding of other places’ history and culture. But if you truly want to immerse your child in an educational experience regarding another state, what better way to go about it than to take them there yourself? Different kids learn in different ways, but a trip to a new destination should tick all of the boxes for any child. So, here’s everything you need to know in order to plan an immersive, educational trip to Connecticut, the Constitution State.

Be Organized

The key to a successful trip is organization. Before you set foot out of the house to begin your journey, you need to ensure that all of the basics are in order so that you can use all of your time in Connecticut on fun and eye-opening experiences for your little ones. Make sure that your transport to and from your accommodation is booked (including transfers from flights or trains to your hotel) and ensure that your accommodation itself is booked and paid for in advance. Make sure that it is clean, comfortable, and has plenty of amenities. Somewhere like the Hartfield Marriott Farmington would do perfectly! For many days out, you will be able to arrange tours and tickets in advance. This can help you to organize your days and keep everything running on a tight schedule.

Days Out to Consider

Now, there are plenty of things to do in Connecticut, but let’s focus on the child-friendly and most educational and thought-provoking visits possible for now. Here are some of our favorites for you to consider.

Yale University Art Gallery

Yale University Art Gallery is the oldest college art museum in America, hosting over 200,000 objects that date from ancient times to the present day. The works also represent civilizations from all around the world. This will give your children the opportunity to consider artworks from history as well as the cultures, societal norms, and individual life stories that built up to their creation. Help them to compare pieces, search for deeper meaning in each work, and form their own artistic taste by determining which works appeal to them and which fail to catch their interest.

The Submarine Force Museum

If your kids are interested in Seafaring, Connecticut has plenty to offer them. Take the Submarine Force Museum as an example. Learn about the history of submarines, how they have been used over the years, and take a look at some real-life examples yourself!

These are just a couple of activities to consider while visiting the state of Connecticut. But as you can see, it really can make for a brilliant family trip. So get planning and booking today!

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