Maria's Space: The Box House by Brigid Marlin - REVIEW

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Box House by Brigid Marlin - REVIEW

The Box House by Brigid Marlin

The 411 by Maria:

The book cuts to the heart. You immediately want to take Cassie and her siblings far far away and give them everything they have been missing. Cassie at 8 years old is the eldest of 5 children. She and her siblings are often sent out of the house without proper clothing or food when Mom is entertaining. They eventually head into a church because it was a place to go and there they meet Brigid and her children. Eventually Brigid takes Cassie and her siblings under her wing and her compassion makes a huge difference in the life of a little girl. A small gesture by a stranger shows Cassie the person she wants to be.

I was angry throughout most of the book. Angry that Cassie and her siblings were hungry, cold and their only solace was a cardboard box that their father turned into a house for them.  Angry that he didn't stand up for his children and do more. Angry that their mother was such a piece of trash and chose a man over her kids. Angry that they were beat and worse by her boyfriend. Angry that these kids had no one protecting them. No one speaking for them. 

It is a good read. One that will anger you and make you cry. I was so thankful that Brigid introduced the kids to the bible and showed Cassie kindness. We never know how our "small gestures" can ultimately change someone's life. Always show kindness, you may be the only kind person someone sees all day. 

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a very emotional read. Thanks for sharing.


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