Maria's Space: Simple Ways for Maintaining Comfort in your Home

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Simple Ways for Maintaining Comfort in your Home

Making your house comfortable is a lot more difficult than buying fluffy pillows and installing heat-sensitive fans. In fact, it takes a homeowner with not only an acute eye for detail, but also someone who understands the very nature of their environment. For example, the weather outside and your ability to dilute the temperature of with Mother Nature is one of the more difficult aspects of making your home feel comfortable. 

But it takes a lot more than just setting up your home with the right temperature to make it comfortable; in fact, comfort may begin with the temp, but it certainty doesn’t end there.

“The Weather Outside is Dread fall…”

When we talk about temperature, what is usually the first thing that comes to mind? “It’s too damn hot.” “It’s bone chillingly cold" "It’s fever-inducing muggy .” “It’s too warm, too cloudy, muggy, frosty, bitter, and so on…”

Whatever chosen adjective you choose to go with, it doesn’t matter—equipping your home with the right temperature takes a lot more than just a flip of the o’ switch.
However, having an understanding of where exactly the heat is coming from (whether it be via opening up a window or allowing in the sunlight) also has a direct impact on your ability to stay comfy. And did you know that you, yourself impacts how hot or cold your home is? That’s right, the average human body produces as much as a 100-watt light bulb, and when you factor in whether or not you have been exercising, things can get a whole lot less comfortable. Ultimately, maintaining your home’s temperature is what’s most difficult—not simply pressing a button, turning a fan on high or opening up a window.

To make things easier for yourself, pay closer attention to the temperature outside then in; if you have drapes or curtains, decide when is the best time of day to open and close them; if you’ve just recently worked out and went on a run, take a shower, change, drink some water and then evaluate your home’s temperature levels. 

“That Darn Inhuman-Humidity”

It’s not always going to be the temperature of your home that is going to be the deciding factor in whether or not it’s comfortable; in fact, most of time, it has nothing to do with the temperature, but instead, the humidity

What is Humidity?

Humidity is the make up of many tiny droplets of water vapor in the air. The concentration (or total mass of water present) in any given volume of air (area) decides your home’s humidity. Sometimes, what we interpret as temperature-issues may be been linked with humidity problems; consequently, we end either spiking up the heat or coercing in the breeze because we think it can be solved with a touch of the thermostat. Purchasing an air humidifier will help you better regulate the volume of water vapor in the air. If the air feels hot, heavy and sticky, it may very well be that you need to adjust the humidifier, not the thermostat.

Cushions and Bedding…

Whether it’s an adjustable bed or fluffy love seat, us people simply love to sit. And after a hard-days work of standing on your feet, it’s no surprise that what we choose to sleep and sit on has a direct impact on the quality of our comfort. But there is no need to invest in chicly expensive interior bedding and comforting to give you the comfort you so desperately seek. Simplify your spending and utilize savvier purchasing habits, and evaluate what makes you comfortable, not what looks best.

Poor In-House Air Quality

Many of us tend to associate poor air quality with something outside such as, smog, ozone, and haze. But in reality, the air in your own home may be the most polluting of all—affecting not only your level of comfort, but also your health.

It’s imperative that you take the necessary measures to protect your home and family against in-house pollutants, especially for children with asthma.

Key to clean air quality:

·      Cleaning up chemical, dust, dirt build-up, and other household accumulations 
·      Mopping consistently (1 or 2 X per week).
·      Taking out the garbage on a regular basis.
·      Having your home checked by a professional (especially if it was build before the 80s.)


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