Maria's Space: Read Bottom Up by Neel Shah & Skye Chatham Is Adorable #ReadBottomUp

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Read Bottom Up by Neel Shah & Skye Chatham Is Adorable #ReadBottomUp

Product Details for Read Bottom Up

  • Hardcover: 256 pages
  • Publisher: Dey Street Books (April 7, 2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0062262130
  • ISBN-13: 978-0062262134

Madeline and Elliot meet at a New York City restaurant opening. Flirtation—online—ensues. A romance, potentially eternal, possibly doomed, begins.

And, like most things in life today, their early exchanges are seen, scrutinized, and interpreted by well-intentioned friends who are a mere click away.

As Madeline and Elliot’s relationship unfolds through a series of thrilling, confounding, and funny exchanges with each other, and, of course, with their best friends and dubious confidants (Emily and David), you will nod in appreciation and roll your eyes in recognition; you’ll learn a thing or two about what the other half thinks (and does) when it comes to a new romantic possibility . . . and you will cheer for an unexpected ending that just might restore your faith in falling in love, twenty-first-century style.

“A witty, inventive novel about a new couple’s romance— told entirely through their emails and texts.”—Us Weekly

“Charming. . . . Sheds light on our digital dating habits and how they affect our happily-ever-afters.” —Cosmopolitan

“A fun and surprisingly poignant way to tell a love story in this era of instant digital communication. . . . All too familiar for anyone who has dated in the last 10 years.” —Daily News (NY)

“It’s rare to pick up a book that perfectly captures love in the digital age, but that’s exactly what Neel Shah and Skye Chatham’s all-too-realistic novel succeeds in doing.” —Time

The 411:

I read this book in a few hours which thrills me as it's been years since I can say that about a novel. It could have something to do with the layout or the fact that I honestly loved it and spent every free moment of my busy day reading it.

The book is about four different relationships. The beginning of a relationship between two people, and their relationship with their friends respectively. 

Written as if you are reading texts and mostly emails, you get a glimpse into relationships in the current electronic world. Where instead of calling each other you simply shoot out an email or text. We are all leaving paper trails and documenting everything we do. It's interesting, scary but also serves as a journal into our lives. Imagine if you could face the end of a relationship by re-reading  the beginning of it. You could see all the mistakes you made and all the signs you should have seen, but while doing that you take your besties on the roller coaster ride that is your life.  This is exactly what happens with the characters in Read Bottom Up.

It goes something like this:

Boy meets Girl
Boy tells Friend about it.
Boy emails Girl
Girl forwards said email to her friend and they discuss in detail
Girl emails Boy
Boy emails Girl back
Girl forwards email to her friend and they discuss in detail

To See a sample of the layout head over to Harper Collins

I loved it!

The relationship between Madeline and Elliot and Elliot and David and Madeline and Emily made me smile.

From the beginning the relationship is on a crash course. I felt it could be a very real story of two people. Madeline wanting more but not asking for more with the occasional passive-aggressive, sarcastic email or text to drive a point home and get information without really being direct and the two friends who keep their crash course friends grounded.

Truly perfect for a beach read. This is chick lit at it's best and I believe you will love it too.

To Purchase

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. My reviews are 100% honest and true based on my personal opinion not on a company’s description or request. No monetary compensation was offered or received.

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