Maria's Space: Roosters and Chickens Can Be So Entertaining

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Roosters and Chickens Can Be So Entertaining

This past week I headed out with Goddess and her class to Museum Village which is a living, museum that explores 19th Century American life.

We loved it. You walk around this huge oval and experience life the way it was. The shop keepers demonstrate or answer questions about anything and everything.

I hope to return when I don't have 4 kids in my care to take a ton of photos and take my time.

While there was so much to see, the girls kept asking to return to the chickens and roosters. I can see why, these were some beautiful, well taken care of animals.

The girls loved feeding the fowls

Goddess was upset that she had so much black on and kept telling me that she was hot. It was only 60 but the sun was gorgeous.

Look at these beauties

One of the girls was having a good time running after a chicken. It was hysterical but she did get yelled at by a local.

It was a fabulous day and the way education is going I was happy to be a part of it. This may be my last field trip!

To see more beautiful animals check out Saturday's Critters and Camera Critters.


  1. Looks like a fun day with the kiddies. The village does sound interesting. Love the chickens, they are pretty. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  2. Great series of images of roosters.

  3. You choose the same critters as me this week. Your look great, hope you will look in on mine

  4. What a fun post. Looks like you had a great time. I love chickens.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Anonymous9:14 PM

    What a great field trip.

  6. Pics from everyday life, which i love. Hens and a rooster seem to be enjoying the attention.

  7. Wonderful field trip! Hope the girls learned a lot about early life. They sure enjoyed the chickens, and I can't blame them myself. :-) You got some great photos!

  8. I'm sure that chicken will get over being chased. Glad to see everyone had good fun!


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