Maria's Space: Minuscule: Valley Of The Lost Ants Available On Demand Today AND A DVD #Giveaway

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Minuscule: Valley Of The Lost Ants Available On Demand Today AND A DVD #Giveaway

Good things come in small packages! That’s certainly the case with the adorable, animated feature Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants.  These endearing insects will be in theaters, On Demand, and on DVD TODAY May 26, 2015 from kaboom! Entertainment

This epic adventure has the added twist of almost no dialogue – think Wall-E meets A Bug's Life! These animated stars communicate solely via a synchronized soundtrack featuring music and sound effects to tell the tale of their journey. With the lone voice of Richard Dreyfuss as the narrator, Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants is the buzz worthy spring feature you won’t want to miss.

The 411 by Maria & Goddess

Oh we LOVED this movie. It is adorable from the first moment to the last. Who doesn't love ladybugs and these guys are so cute with their big eyes and innocence. 

The movie takes you on a minuscule journey into the life of the insect, arachnids and other bug kingdom.

This is a wonderful journey that will have you on the edge of your seat. Incredible animation and sweet little bugs (this is the only way I like my bugs). Parents and kids alike will enjoy this ride due to the storyline and the breathtaking macro photography mixed with 3D effects.  We sat there saying, it's real, it's fake, never knowing if we were looking at true animation or real world effects. It is like a "real" cartoon! 

When newly hatched ladybug is separated from it's family she is quickly adopted by a troop of black ants who want to get some sugar home to the nest. They work together to navigate our beautiful world and come to a compromise that helps both of them.

You will undoubtedly love this movie.

To Buy:

To Win:

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary movie for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered or received.


  1. the movie the fly and I love ladybugs. thankyou, ken

  2. A Bug's Life is my favorite Bug movie. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  3. I liked the movie Antz. My favorite bug is the preying mantis.

  4. I don't have a favorite bug movie but I love Ladybugs.

  5. we like a bugs life

  6. Bee Movie is my favorite! My favorite bug is the praying mantis.

  7. I am following Kaboom! Entertainment on Facebook. My Facebook name is Emily Elizabeth Endrizzi.

  8. A Bug's Life is my favorite bug movie. My favorite bug... ummm NONE? lol

  9. Marnie G (Derrick Todd)2:09 AM

    A Bug's Life is our favorite bug movie.

  10. I follow Kaboom! Entertainment on FB - Janet Koustas

  11. I think A Bug's Life is a really cute movie.
    Thank you!

  12. I don't have a favorite bug movie but favorite bug would be the dragon fly

    tiramisu392 (at)

  13. I have to say, my boys like bugs more than I do, so if I had to pick a favorite bug, I'd pick a lady bug! My favorite bug movie would be A Bug's Life.

  14. Kaboom FB Alesha Oliver Lane

  15. a bugs life is a good movie.

  16. Anonymous2:40 PM

    My favorite bugs have been Lady Bugs and Ants

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  17. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Following KaBoom! Patricia R. Hess

  18. To be honest with you I find bugs to be very pesky and they seem to bother me all the time when I am outside.

  19. Bugs Life and butterflies.

  20. My favorite was Bee Movie. I am kind of partial to Jerry Seinfeld too.

  21. I am following Kaboom! Entertainment on Facebook. My Facebook name Sandra Watts.

  22. Daniel M8:40 PM

    A bugs life, Antz - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com


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