Maria's Space: Have Allergies Sidelined You Already?

Monday, May 11, 2015

Have Allergies Sidelined You Already?

Conquer Allergy Season
It is that time of year again when the weather is fine and the long days of summer are approaching. While there is nothing that pleases you more than a chance to enjoy the great outdoors, there is one problem. You and your family struggle with seasonal allergies. As soon as the pollen starts to fly, you are plagued with a runny nose, headaches, and red, itchy eyes. Do not let your allergies get the best of you this year. Plan ahead and you can stave off the worst, making it much easier to enjoy the warm, sunny days that are ahead.

Find an Allergy Medication that Works
There is an array of allergy medication that is available over the counter. Many brands were previously available by prescription. Experiment with different alternatives to find the best option for you. If over the counter brands aren't effective, seek help from an allergy specialist. Manage your allergies before full-blown attacks develop. When you are proactive, you can hold off the worst of your symptoms. Choose medications that will not sap your energy and that last for extended periods of time.

Control Your Environment at Home
There are a number of things you can do to have the best possible environment in your house. When pollen levels are high, keep your windows closed. Run fans, air purifiers, and air conditioners for the better air quality. A 3m air filter can improve air quality as well. Be sure to dust and vacuum often to reduce the amount of debris in your home. If you have pets, you will want to brush them outside before they come in. This will reduce hair, pet dander, and any pollen that they are carrying on their hair.

Pay Attention to Weather Conditions
The weather forecast includes pollen levels throughout the season. When you know that the conditions are risky for your allergies, choose to stay in on those days or arm yourself with allergy medication. When you have spent prolonged periods of time outdoors, be sure to change your clothing when you come in. Take a shower to wash off any pollen that is clinging to your hair and skin. When the pollen is flying, you need to go to battle. Take care of yourself and your family to enjoy the good weather without the nuisance of allergy symptoms.

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