Maria's Space: Allergy Free Mayo? What?????

Friday, August 15, 2014

Allergy Free Mayo? What?????

OK guys I have to tell you that I do love Mayo. I do love eggs but as someone who has children with food allergies I am well aware how diligent you have to be to keep your children safe.

While my kids are not allergic to eggs one of the girls in my Brownie Troop is and when we do snacks, have parties everyone must bring something that doesn't have eggs in it. It has been interesting to find alternatives so that she can partake in snack and party time and when she is invited to a birthday party of a classmate mom usually has to send a cupcake so her daughter can eat when everyone else is having cake.

When I was asked to check out Hampton Creek's Just Mayo I was very interested. How can you have mayo without the egg? Seriously! HOW!? ANNNND 100% NON-GMO What?!

Well, here is get biochemists to create delicious tasting, plant based egg-free alternative that is cheaper, healthier and more humane.
The 411 by Maria:

I am a Hellman's girl from way back. I am partial to my brand and have been since 4 years of age at least.

Could this mayo that is made without eggs actually taste as good?

The first time I tried it was with a friend. She is a health and homeopathic fan and was very interested in trying each one with me.  We actually tried it with another product I had to review called Veggie Patch (more on that later). She as did I loved each one and we kept going back for more.

To tell you the truth prior to researching the product with her after we tried it and loved it, I had no idea it was EGG FREE! She was writing the name down and I started Googling to get her information on where she could buy it.

We were floored. What? We squawked!! Egg Free?

The three samples we received were:

Plain Mayo
Garlic Mayo
Sriracha Mayo

My friend Lisa loved the garlic but because she was visiting and I have a breath thing (totally paranoid about bad breath), I stuck with the plain and the Sriracha.

We only used them to dip our lunch into while the kids played. Good doesn't even cut it and I was simply unaware of how good until the next time I used the mayo.

It was me and the kids that day. I knew we would be alone for lunch and probably dinner so for lunch that day I made myself tuna. Usually my typical recipe for tuna which is:

- small can of solid white tuna packed in water (whatever brand is on sale)
- celery salt
- pepper
- mayo

Easy enough right?

Well, this day I used the garlic mayo. Ummm...can I tell you it was the best tuna sandwich I had ever had.  Since telling my bestie Clary about it she says she NEEDS to try it and we cannot wait to get together to eat and talk although I will be bringing my mouth wash and some gum.

The Tuna and Just Mayo garlic mayo together were amazing. It is the perfect combination and I doubt I will ever be able to eat tuna any other way every again.

My next recipe will be the chocolate cake recipe I found on Hampton Creek

Shocking but true my friend. This mayo is made without eggs and the company is doing fantastic. While they may not be a household name yet, I see that they are already the best selling mayo at whole foods after being on the market only 6 months. (read it for yourself here).

AND they haven't stopped at mayo. Check out the Just Cookies!

LASTLY it is not hard to find either. Simply put your location in Hampton Creeks Just Find It section and watch it pop up in locations very close to you. Honestly, I can never find anything in my neck and I found at least 6 within 15 miles of my house.  NICE!


  1. I love that non-GMO oil is used! It sounds and looks good. We love mayo on our sandwiches.

  2. I learned that they sell this at the Whole Foods near me.

  3. Add some cranberry and you have a great cranberry mayo!

  4. I learned that this is available at Whole Foods, and the price is reasonable!!

  5. I learned that the company received the Best of What’s New 2013 Grand Award by Popular Science for their “plant-based egg.”

  6. They are for sale at Whole Foods which is terrific. thankyou, ken

  7. I learned there's no cholesterol in their products.

  8. I learned this healthy product is sold at the Dollar Tree stores near me--I guess they really are trying to make healthy foods affordable at Hampton Creek!

  9. I learned they have just cookies made with nothing artificial.
    heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

  10. The cookies are dairy free and they have chocolate chip and peanut butter flavors that I want to try

  11. I learned that Just Mayo can be bought at the local Dollar Trees.

  12. They have a lot of recipes on their site that I want to try. I'd start with the stuffed mushrooms!


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