Maria's Space: New World Kids Is The Answer!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

New World Kids Is The Answer!

I was fortunate enough to get a review copy of New World Kids by Susan Marcus & Susie Monday and I have read it twice since. Wow, this book should be a mandatory read for anyone who works with children. Since reading it, I notice that I am seeing things in a whole new way and I can only imagine how children who learn this way will be as adults.

For parents, this is the perfect guide book for you, I couldn't put it down and it is full of ideas to help you nurture a child's natural ability to see the world outside and especially inside the box.

I love the emphasis of this book which is to foster and instill creative thinking among children. We and our children were taught "critical thinking" associated with analyzing and weighing information. This is no longer enough. Traditional thinking skills are still important but we need to filter in media, creating, making connections, approaching a subject sideways or solving problems from the inside out.

My personal favorite part of the book, talks about the Sensory Alphabet. The Sensory Alphabet as described in the book is a sensory language (line, shape, color, texture, space, sound, light movement, and rhythem.

New World Kids contains:
208 easy-to-read full-color pages, beautifully illustrated and filled with pragmatic ways to understand, acknowledge and support your child’s individual strengths
a map of creativity based on more than half a century of theory-to-practice in education, the arts and cognitive research that deconstructs and makes accessible this very big subject
a step-by-step guide for parents to mentor their children through the idea-to-form process using everyday occasions and materials
more than 200 investigative activities for parents and children to do alone and together to help you uncover and exercise unique perspectives and talents - this section itself is worth the price of the book alone.
real life examples that help you connect the dots from child’s play to innovation, mastery and success in the grown-up worlds of business and technology, art and science.
Let Creativity Happen!
Children are natural creators.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this review. We are trilled to have the book show up on your blog and we hope your giftees enjoy it as much as you. Please help us spread the word, since we hope we are "selling" these ideas, more than just selling the book!


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