Maria's Space: Bic Soleil Bella Rocks!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bic Soleil Bella Rocks!

As a BzzAgent I get to review some of the best products on the market.

Last week I received a package of Bic Soleil Bella.

As a Twilight fan this razor spoke to me. Not only is it called Bella but there is even a Soleil Twilight razor. Woot! Happy days. I can think of Twilight while shaving my legs and not feel ridiculous about it.

The Bic Soleil is not only visually beautiful, it has four blades for an extra close shave.

Ready for a little TMI? Well, here we go, as someone of Italian blood, I am hairy. I can shave in the shower in the morning and have a 5 o'clock shadow by 3:30 p.m. I kid you not. Using the Bic Soleil Bella, I save a day. I seriously, shave every other day.

Besides the wonderful smooth shave, the handle has a great grip, the blades are easily cleaned.

So, lets list the benefits together of the Bic Soleil Bella Razors:
  • Pivoting head
  • 4 blades
  • Easy grip handle
  • Moisture Strip
In a Nutshell: Pack of 4 costs about $4.99-$6.99. The shave is the closest I have ever gotten in my 25 years of shaving. Woot, I am beach smooth and ready for summer.

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  1. Nothing makes me happier than a fresh razor. Kinda sad, right : )?

  2. You've got a lot os S words! Thanks for sharing! Your children are adorable. Thanks for your visit!


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