Maria's Space: Amateur Book Review - Veil of Roses

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Amateur Book Review - Veil of Roses

Last night I finished Veil of Roses by Laura Fitzgerald and after P.S. I Love You I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

It is about Tamila, a 27 year old Iranian women who comes to America for 3 months on a birthday Visa from her parents to find a husband and stay in the States.

She stays with her older sister and her sister's husband, takes an English class, goes to Starbucks, and falls in love with America, her freedom and an American.

I liked this book for a couple of reasons. Tamilia is likable, the characters are interesting, the
story witty, her potential husbands comical but the biggest reason is that I was reminded of how much I love my freedom. As an American I know we take this for granted. I try not to but I don't think we realize just how lucky we are to live in a Country where we have choices.

It was interesting looking through the eyes of someone who never knew freedom and watching her amazement as she acquaints herself with the freedom she and everyone should have if they so desire.
Her reactions to police, her friends, a free sample at Starbucks and sneakers were uplifting, humorous and captivating.

The ending was somewhat predictable and I wish that the conclusion I was hoping for, played out longer than the last 4 pages. I was happy with the ending and reminded of how "free" we really are.

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