Maria's Space: My Year Of Dicks - Relatable Minus The Lose My Virginity Quest #myyearofdicks

Saturday, March 04, 2023

My Year Of Dicks - Relatable Minus The Lose My Virginity Quest #myyearofdicks

I woke up last night at 2:50 and couldn’t go back to sleep so I got out of bed at 3:15 and went to the very uncomfortable couch, flipped on the TV ready to search for something that wasn’t going to keep me awake so that I could go back to sleep. Just something that bored me into sleep mode again. 

The first thing I landed on was My Year Of Dicks on the first screen of Hulu. Short Film!? Animated?! Talking about Dicks?! Not boring but let’s check it out. Ok…let’s see short film might be perfect and it is the perfect time to watch since everyone was sleeping. No chance of a kid walking in. 


It’s 1991, and Pam is trying very hard to lose her virginity, but it sure doesn’t match up to her fantasies.

Always searching for her ultimate paramour, this old soul swimming in new puberty will struggle between the real world and her grandiose fantasies by exploring a relatable variety of boys of yore-- goths, skaters, indie film snobs, straight edge poseurs-- all while trying her best to avoid being grounded. Luckily she has her best friends by her side, who’d like to keep her from cementing a mistake.

This charming, animated, retro-romantic-comedy pulls no punches with its female-forward look at sexual awakening.

Created by Pamela Ribon from her critically-acclaimed memoir

The 411:

I loved it. It was truly relatable. As a now older young girl of 56 who remembers finding myself in situations that I wish I wasn’t.

 It is handled in 5 different crushes.  Pam is 15, with a sense of sexual awakening who wants to lose her virginity but it must be with the RIGHT boy. As a young girl you do find yourself in so many scenarios where you think wait a minute is this really what I want?! Thankfully Pam has a good sense of herself, advocates for herself and gets out of things when she has a change of heart. Who is the perfect boy to give something of yourself that you will never ever be able to have again?  

Pam is every girl yet not every girl. I wish I was Pam when I was 15. I was not in a quest but often found myself in situations I wish I could get out of without hurting someone’s feelings or feeling bad about myself.I love this version of a young girl and I think she is what I would want every young girl to do for herself. Put yourself first! You are the most important thing in your life. Making yourself a priority and screw what anyone else thinks.

I love Pam, I love her friends. I love how she stops things not worrying about anyone else’s feelings when she put the breaks on. She respects herself and that is everything.

In the end we are left wondering where things will go but we do know she is happy and feels safe!

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