Maria's Space: How To Create More Space In A Crowded Home

Sunday, July 18, 2021

How To Create More Space In A Crowded Home


Do you feel like you are outgrowing your home? This is a problem that many homeowners face, especially when they start to add to their family. Additionally, with many people now working from home at least on a part-time basis, it can very quickly start to feel crowded, chaotic and small,even in a generously sized house. Moving home is not always realistic, practical or even desirable, but there are solutions to this issue that will help you to get the most out of your house and create more space. So, if you are looking to get the most out of your home and create more space then read on to find out how.




The first step to take is to carry out a thorough decluttering of the entire home. Going through everything, including storage in the basement or garage, will help you to clear a lot of space and take stock of what youve got. If you have items that you want to keep hold of but do not need anytime soon, you could look into moving these items into storage as this can be affordable and an easy way to free up space.


Basement/Attic Conversion


Many homeowners have found that they have run out of space in the home, especially if they are now working from home as not everyone has the luxury of a spare room for an office. This is why a basement or attic conversion is smart, especially when you consider that this is much easier and cheaper than building an extension. As above, if you use these spaces for storage then you could move everything into a storage unit.


Storage Solutions


Another smart way to free up space without spending a fortune or throwing everything away is to invest in smart storage solutions. You should make use of vertical space with bookshelves and look into furniture such as ottomans, which can be highly practical and help to keep your home neat, tidy and clutter free.




You should also look to make the most out of your garden and a greenhouse can be a great way to create a relaxing, peaceful room to enjoy in the garden. This can provide an all-weather, all-year-round space to enjoy and somewhere to grow plants if you wish. It is important that you find the right greenhouse for your needs and garden, so you will want to check out a buying guide in order to make the right decision.


Make Use Of Unused Areas


Most homeowners do not pay attention to landings, corridors and hallways, but these can actually be a great way to get more out of your home. You might be able to repurpose the landing by turning it into a small office or maximize your hallways by having bespoke cabinets built to increase your storage capacity.


This should help you to create more space in your home and really make the most out of what you have, which can make a huge difference to your lifestyle and home.


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