Maria's Space: We All Think We’re Special Was Gut Wrenching

Wednesday, June 02, 2021

We All Think We’re Special Was Gut Wrenching

We All Think We’re Special is about two friends Charlie and Ed who know each other a long time. After a night of partying Ed decides Charlie who is an obvious alcoholic needs an intervention.

WE ALL THINK WE'RE SPECIAL: Addiction Drama Is Appropriately Bleak & Direct
source: Cinema Epoch

Charlie has been living in his deceased mother’s house however she signed it over to AA and he needs to vacate soon.  The next hour of the movie is hard to watch as Charlie goes through detox and berates, tries to bargain with Ed while going through some major withdrawals. 

The 411: 

There is so much to love about this movie. The acting is incredible with Jared Bankens (Charlie) and William McGovern (Ed) pretty much  carrying the whole movie in basically one set (Charlie’s  Mother’s Home). 

The script was witty, smart and delivered perfectly.  Jared as The highly educated drunk, tormented by his past and addiction was amazing. If nothing else, see this film for the acting chops and the cool split screens. I really enjoyed it. Addiction is not pretty but neither is detoxication and everyone did an amazing job! I highly recommend.


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