Maria's Space: The Secret Life of a Weight-Obsessed Woman Book #Giveaway @IrisRuthPastor

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Secret Life of a Weight-Obsessed Woman Book #Giveaway @IrisRuthPastor

The Secret Life of a Weight-Obsessed Woman (Ladies, Ink, January 30, 2018), by Iris Ruth Pastor

Iris Ruth Pastor—a mother and grandmother who battled bulimia for 46 years—has published more than 700 columns in various outlets, including The Huffington Post, where she was named a “Must Read Blogger.” Her new memoir, The Secret Life of a Weight-Obsessed Woman, offers an inside look at the unique triggers of eating disorders in older women, revealing distinct patterns and signs. She then provides hope that recover is possible at any age.

“My story is a source of both comfort, confrontation, and owning your actions,” says Pastor. “I want to simply and honestly reflect my struggles and my triumphs—to provide inspiration to those who think they cannot beat their own eating disorder to a pulp. Because I believe they can.”

Iris Ruth Pastor has published more than 700 columns in various outlets, including the Huffington Post, where she was named a "Must Read Blogger." Her new memoir, The Secret Life of a Weight-Obsessed Woman, emphasizes that change and renewal are possible at any age and any stage. 

Speaking throughout the country on a broad range of topics centered on “Preserving Your Bloom,” Pastor offers insights on self-care as the key to happiness.

Do you think about food too much?
Envy those “skinny bitches” and wonder how they do it?

Use the needle on the scale as a measure of your self-worth?

Are you “just ten pounds” away from happiness?
You are not alone. Iris Ruth Pastor, too, was a weight-obsessed woman who found a way to eat all those tempting goodies—without putting on a pound. At age eighteen, she began bingeing and purging daily and didn’t stop for forty-six years. How did she tame the triggers that led to bingeing and purging? Deal with the ravenous monster within? The Secret Life of a Weight-Obsessed Woman is Iris’s story of ripping down the façade of her “perfect” life and taking steps to break free of her lover ED (Eating Disorder, not Erectile Dysfunction!).

If you are grappling with anything that prevents you from operating at full throttle, Iris’s bluntly honest, humorous, and inspirational story reminds us all that recovery is within our reach. In this honest, insightful, and inspiring book, Iris Ruth Pastor shares her story of recovery from a decades-long battle with bulimia. She brings a poignant and relatable honesty to this memoir, using both wisdom and humor to bring readers on the journey from despair to healing.

The 411:

As someone who was bulimic from the age of 18-31 this book completely resonated with me. Once a bulimic always a bulimic or at least always aware of relapse.  There is so much guilt over this disorder. The embarrassment and the fear of relapsing into this life depends on where you are mentally.

Iris took a secret and blew it wide open. There were so many parts of this book that really sat with me and reminded me of my past. Iris took what I have been wanting to say and put it into words that can work for any of us. I was reminded of when I told my friends this horrible secret. There was no judgement but when I my husband he tried to tell me I wasn't. I guess I was really good about hiding it.  My favorite parts of the book was when Iris told her friends and children. Everyone needs to feel supported when dealing with something that is difficult and Iris was fortunate enough to have a support system as well as being in the right place to make a change for her life. 

I really appreciated Iris's candor and  humor in dealing with something that at times feels like you don't have any control over. Her path to recovery was definitely a good read. I loved every moment. Since it is NOT about Bulimia it can be read by anyone who has struggled with any addiction.

For more information, visit,  sign-up for her weekly newsletter, and connect with Pastor on Twitter @IrisRuthPastor, Instagram @IrisRuthPastor and Facebook.

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Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered. 

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