Maria's Space: 3 Generations Review

Sunday, June 11, 2017

3 Generations Review

The 411:

This movie is about a transgender (although the term is never used) boy named Ray who at 15 has decided now is the time to make the transition to boy.  Not an easy decision but even harder when you need the consent of your parents and mom is dragging her feet on signing and dad is not in the pictures.

I enjoyed the movie so much. It was well done and while I see some reviews talking about how late to the party this movie is and should have been released back in 2014 when it was made but I found it refreshing. I loved the heavy decision and sensitive subject balanced with the quirky, eccentric comedy of Ray's grandmother and grandma's girlfriend trying to wrap their feminist heads around the change. "Why can't she just be a lesbian?" Grandma's girlfriend fight against globral female genital mutilation and feel this is a form of mutilation.

There were so many subtle points of the movie that I would imagine many transgenders would need to deal with such as bathrooms, crushes, wanting to get away from folks who remember you  when you were the sex you were born as, etc.  I loved the scenes when Ray visits her "dad" to get the signature on the forms. "Are you this way because of me?" "I am many things because of you but this is not one of them."

There were some emotional parts of the movie but nothing is too heavy and this family standing behind their child is what I pray for all transgenders.

The movie is rated PG-13.

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