Maria's Space: Ahhhhhh Snow Be Damned We Are Loving 5 Sparrows Hot Chocolate Mixes

Monday, February 17, 2014

Ahhhhhh Snow Be Damned We Are Loving 5 Sparrows Hot Chocolate Mixes

It's been cold here in our neck of New York. REALLY! REALLY COLD! Frigged and the snow, well, let's just say, I will not be seeing grass until sometime in April. 

Here is a photo of Handsome taken 2 snow falls ago with Teach cleaning off the car in the background.

Here is Goddess standing at a snow mound at the foot of the driveway two snow falls ago. Yeah, it is very high.

We received three different types from 5 Sparrows to try out and they seriously couldn't have come at a better time. Goddess and I loved hot chocolate especially after spending 3+ hours in the snow. Me with no snow pants! Grr...this has to be the year I invest in some. 


The first one we tried was House Chocolate.

I have to say, I seriously thought that the Stevia would turn me off. I am not into any sugar alternatives. If it requires sugar, I am a believe in sugar and never met an alternative I liked. HOWEVER, this brand has totally changed my mind. 

There was no weird aftertaste!

The second one we tried was the Chai! I LOVE Chai. It is my absolute favorite indulgence when it comes to getting myself a coffee/tea outside of the house. I would totally buy this to have at home.

The White House Chocolate Goddess claimed and drank while I was out and while she apologized since I was unable to try it, I cannot tell you how it taste personally but she tells me it was her favorite.  

What I loved most is how I simply open the bag, dump the powder mix into my cup, I used a 16 ounce shaker, I warmed up some milk and poured that in as well, shook it all up and poured it into my mugs. It tastes as if I used a big coffee house machine to make it. I could put this into a disposable commuter cup and give it to someone and they would think I got it at an expensive coffee house. 

It is really, really good AND some of them are SUGAR FREE. 

OH and four the price of 2 expensive coffee house coffee's you can get a 10 oz bag of 5 Sparrows mixes. Nothing better than great taste and great value when it comes to how I spend my dollars!

Disclaimer: No monetary compensation was received! Sample products were sent for my review.


  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Yum Yum Yum! This would be such a better alternative than regular hot chocolate, my son loves it and insists on drinking it anytime hes cold (he 3.5 and is convinced it "makes him feel better"..Thanks Grandma!!)!

  2. Very nice pictures. Where i live in IN it is quite cold and snowy as well. For the past two days it has been pretty nice, but tomorrow it is going to be nice but very rainy. i have always loved hot chocolate, even when it isn't cold, these hot chocolates sound like they would be very wonderful. thank you for posting.

  3. Would love to try that white chocolate one, but I'm glad it is too warm here for hot chocolate (it was in the 60's today--yay!)

  4. Wisconsin is back in the deep freeze and 5 Sparrows Sugar Free House Chocolate would be a treat. I am happy that the sugar free is made with Splenda and not Nutrasweet.


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