Maria's Space: Sometimes I Sleep With Phil Dunphy #MyModernFamilyBD @FHEInsiders

Monday, October 21, 2013

Sometimes I Sleep With Phil Dunphy #MyModernFamilyBD @FHEInsiders

I love Phil. There I said it. He is so funny. I love Modern Family and as a Fox Entertainment Insider  was so excited when I received this pillow case that is like Phil's Ads around town.


  1. I checked out their catalog and will be ordering from it.

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Can you please spray me to that page

  2. Oops wrote the wrong response on the wrong page. Love the show Modern Family, but do not think my hubby would want me sleeping with Phil every night.

  3. Haha! Neat idea for a pillow case. I've heard about Modern Family but have never seen an episode so I guess I'm going to have to find out what all the fuss is about :)


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