Maria's Space: Happy Mellow Yellow Monday - "Mixed Media Art by 5 Year Old"

Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Mellow Yellow Monday - "Mixed Media Art by 5 Year Old"

Mellow Yellow Monday is such a cheery meme especially on days like today when it is rainy and gray.

Goddess loves creating and spends a lot of time putting art together. She has no idea how great she is. At 5 her ideas are inspiring and way outside the box. She constantly is brainstorming some craft idea and saves certain items until she has everything she needs for her project. If she is this organized and creative at 5, I can only imagine where this natural ability will take her as she gets older.

Here is one of her pieces which has since this picture, been turned into a multi-page book.
mixed media by 5 year old-Blogged

In this she used tape, chalk, crayons, paper and embellishments. She had no idea that a term "mixed media" existed until I told her. She is of course very happy with herself.


  1. Beautiful embellishments that a 5 year old girl would love to play.

  2. Very nice job. It's such fun to just give a child lots of different materials and "let them go". So good for them to express themselves and be creative. Mickie

  3. That is so awesome! I'd love to see the whole book she has made. My daughter and Goddess would create some wonderful things together if there weren't so many miles between them :)


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