Maria's Space: How To Encourage Your Child To Learn And Develop As They Grow

Tuesday, February 08, 2022

How To Encourage Your Child To Learn And Develop As They Grow


Becoming a parent is one of the most incredible and heart-warming things anyone can do in their life, but at the same time, it can be one of the most worrying and stressful. 


One thing parents across the length and breadth of the United Kingdom and beyond spend an inordinate amount of time doing is researching, studying, googling and asking other parents how best to help and encourage their child or children to learn and develop as they grow.


Support At-Home Learning


Obviously, no parent assumes that as soon as your child gets back from nursery, reception or even school that education immediately stops, and it is instantly 'play time'.

However, it is important to make time in the evenings, or more feasibly one day at the weekend, to sit down with your child, remove all electronic distractions and have fun recapping things they have recently learnt, or talking about their latest interests. 

Supporting your child’s learning at home, regardless of age, will ensure that they are engaged with the material in a far deeper way and will guarantee a more thorough and engaged understanding of the subject matter. 


Send Them To Nursery


A reluctance to send your child, or children, to nursery is entirely understandable, especially during the current turbulent and uncertain time caused by the impact of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. However, enrolling into a renowned and established nursery will certainly encourage children to learn and develop in a wide plethora of different ways. 

There is a myriad of benefits to sending your child to nursery, including but in no way limited to, the following:

✓ Making new friends and even friends that will transcend into school
✓ Learning new communication skills
✓ Building confidence and stamina
✓ Establishing the importance of perseverance
✓ Boosted self-esteem and self-awareness
✓ Creating a routine and regular schedule
✓ Preparation for a school life
✓ Introducing them to competition 
✓ Learning how to be a team player


Develop A Love Of Reading


In a world where technology undeniably dominates the majority of people's professional personal lives, it is exceedingly heart-warming and encouraging to know that reading real-life paper books is still very much a part of life for so many people.

Reading to your child and even encouraging them to read out loud either with you or back to you is an extremely effective way of encouraging their development in a wide variety of areas.

Reading is incredibly important for the overall development of children’s minds, in the following ways, to name but a few:

✓ Higher imagination and creativity levels
✓ Greater focus on concentration
✓ Preparation to thrive and succeed at school 
✓ A deeper understanding of different lives and different people
✓ The ability to build stronger and more communicative relationships
✓ Learning how to feel empathy and compassion
✓ A more varied and more widely used vocabulary
✓ Supporting overall cognitive development



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