Maria's Space: Today I Said Goodbye To My Grandmother

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Today I Said Goodbye To My Grandmother

Saying goodbye to a loved one is hard. Grandma was 100 years old this past October. She lived a nice long life. She had a lot of friends, traveled and had a husband who adored her. He passed this past May. She also buried two childen who were only in their early 30s. She had been in a nursing home, rehab since breaking her should this Spring. She couldn’t see or hear well anymore. She didn’t really know wherre she was anymore either thinking that she was at her home upstate in Millbrook NY.  She passed right before Christmas. We didn’t expect she would live past the New Year as she had stopped eating. Thankfully she wasn’t ill, just old. Her body just couldn’t do it anymore.

I remind myself that she is again with my Grandpa, not feeling alone anymore and with her children again. Losing her for me, means less of my mother here on the planet. I know my sisters, and I, along with our children are here and part of her but her core family is only my Uncle, her brother now.

Today at her funeral I found myself looking at her casket ready to go in the ground with my grandfather and her two children a few rows back and thought, this is life. This is what is supposed to happen. We live, we die and hopefully we make a difference in the world. This realization doesn’t make it easier but it reminds us that we need to always live for now. Tomorrrow is a mystery and we never know how long we have. I pray for everyone reading this to have a long, full life and if you are mourning someone know that they would want you to live your best life. Cherish the time you have, enjoy your family, take pictures, create memories because one day that is all they will have of us.


  1. I'm so very sorry for your loss, Maria. Sending my deepest love and condolences.

  2. I am so sorry for you loss. Thanks for the reminder to cherish what we have.

  3. Anonymous8:37 PM

    So sorry for your loss Maria. Prayers for God's peace and comfort for you and your family.


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