Maria's Space: 5 Tips for Traveling with Allergies #ALLERGY

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

5 Tips for Traveling with Allergies #ALLERGY

5 Tips for Traveling with Allergies from Tonya Winders, CEO of Allergy & Asthma Network
  • Plan early and choose hotels wisely. Understand your allergic triggers and research the best accommodations based on those needs. For example, having a kitchen in your room will be useful for preparing your meals if you have a food allergy and do not plan to eat out. Some hotels also now have PURE Rooms special technology to remove many environmental allergy triggers.
  • Air travel accommodations. Inform the airline of your food allergies when booking and ask to review their allergy policy. Inform the flight attendant of your allergies when boarding and bring cleaning wipes to clean the seat and tray tables.
  • Eating out while traveling.  Call ahead to ask about food allergy policies and inquire about safe alternatives. Speak to the chef and share your food allergies. Consider visiting chains that have food allergy policies in place.
  • Rental car caveats. If you plan to rent a car, request a nonsmoking vehicle and make sure it has been cleaned.  Pack safe snacks and meals for the ride in case there are no safe restaurants along the way.
Be prepared for foreign affairs. Find out if your insurance policy covers out-of-country services. Carry a copy of your allergy or asthma action plan and an extra supply of your medications. Make sure you have important information translated into the appropriate language in the event medical services are needed. Wear medical identification jewelry and know where the nearest hospital is located

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