Maria's Space: Even Superheroes Get Diabetes

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Even Superheroes Get Diabetes

Even Superheroes Get Diabetes (Insulin Comics)
By: Sue Ganz-Schmitt
Illustrated by: Micah Chambers Goldberg
Ages: 4-9 years
36 Pages

Kelvin is a boy who loves all things "Superhero". He spends his playtime fighting off villains and other imaginary threats--always saving the day, of course. One day his fantasy world is interrupted by the reality of getting diabetes...the incessant finger pricks, shots, and the constant doctor's appointments.

A specialist doctor uncovers that Kelvin has superpowers. He takes a superhero oath as 'Super K', and the story reveals itself as the genesis of a new type of superhero--one who uses his superpowers to help kids with diabetes. This book empowers kids to find their own superpowers in the face of adversity.

The comic book style illustrations by Micah Chambers-Goldberg beautifully connect children and parents to the world of diabetes. The book includes a kid friendly diagram that explains type 1 diabetes and a glossary that discusses both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Even Superheroes Get Diabetes is a powerful educational tool for doctors, parents, kids, and librarians!

What I Can Tell You: 
Even as someone who doesn't have diabetes I know how important and scary this information can be and I am so glad there are books out there like this one to help children understand the important of the correct medication and that they are not alone.

Being different is something that is hard for anyone but especially children. I love how the doctor explains to Kelvin that he is now a superhero and how he must help others.

Very colorful, sweet, fun story to help explain to children with diabetes or without about how the body works. 

The author has a way of taking a serious condition and making it seem very manageable in a light hearted way. Exactly what children need when learning about diabetes.

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