Maria's Space: Photo Tales Tuesday

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Photo Tales Tuesday

Awesome meme idea. Simply post a picture and tell the story.

I took this picture on Easter of Goddess and her cousin. I love my niece with all my heart and seeing her and my daughter spend time so comfortably together gives me hope for their future. The youngest and oldest of the cousins and they get along like sisters even though they see each other so seldom.

I have no idea what they are talking about but it was obviously fun for both!


Swinging with a friend

By the way, only my daughter would wear a tiara and princess dress to her Abuelas for the day. I feel like I have to constantly say, "I didn't dress her!" Love her style and hope she never changes.


  1. What great photos! Thank you so much for joining in, I really appreciate it. Your daughter is gorgeous, and obviously has a great sense of style if a crown is a wardrobe staple ;-)

  2. They really look to be having a moment. Great capture!


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