Maria's Space: Christmas is DIFFERENT!

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Christmas is DIFFERENT!

Don’t be fooled. There are many pretty, empty boxes under the tree as well as my family’s gift for our trip to the in-laws on Christmas Day.

It’s funny! No one told me that Christmas would be way different once my kids got older. I mean, I knew it would be different but I didn’t know how sad it would make me. 

It was just different

Their lists are smaller. 

No one is asking for anything crazy or exciting. 

There are no toys to put together. 

No one is putting out cookies and milk (this was the first year). 

I can put the gifts under the tree as I wrap them instead of hiding them (this was the first year I did this because we were going to be away until the eve so I needed everything done for our return from vacation).

I didn’t need to wait for the kids to go to bed so my husband and I could very quietly make the magic happen. 

They woke after 8 and patiently waited until we were all ready with our coffee.

No photos were taken (this was the first year for that too!)

We didn’t record this year’s present opening (this was our first year not doing this as well).

It was just different.

I longed for my kids to squeal in excitement. Hug me after opening each gift, holding this up to show us we they got! They know I already know. I mean they could have showed Dad. He had no idea. 

It was just different.  

Christmas is different and you have to find something to be excited over. We were going to Universal before Christmas so they kids were told there would only be a few things from their wish lists under the tree. They understood. I didn’t get it for them. I got it for me. I find such joy in watching people open their gifts. It makes me warm and happy inside. 

My words to parents….it changes. Kids grow up. Kids find other people to spend time with during the holidays (this hasn’t happened for me yet but I am sure it will). Spend time with friends and family. Do crafts. Bake. Cook. Surprise a neighbor. BUT for now…enjoy every moment with your kids. When you are knee deep in wrapping paper and just can’t put together another toy and there are pieces of toys all over. Sit back and smile knowing you created magic for your kids. You made them happy. 

I am not sad! I am just missing their youth! Missing their excitement which means losing my own excitement. 

It was a great vacation. we are blessed to have been able to do it. It was a great Christmas. We are thankful to have been able to shop for gifts for our family. We are grateful that our kids are with us. We are truly blessed this year and we don’t take anything for granted. God is good and we are fortunate to spend time together. 

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