Maria's Space: Useful Marketing Techniques for Your Business

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Useful Marketing Techniques for Your Business


Regardless of whether you have an already established business or are just starting out, you must have an effective marketing strategy in place. Marketing is essentially what gets your brand name out there and helps potential customers find you. While you may be on a strict budget, the good news is that there are plenty of effective marketing strategies which wont break the bank but will allow you to get the recognition you desire to ensure you achieve long-term success. In this guide, were going to take a look at just a few of the useful marketing techniques for your business:

1. Create a website

The foundation of any marketing campaign is to create a website. This will ultimately act as a technological business card, which contains all of the information a new consumer needs to know about your corporation, drives visitors to your social media pages and establishes yourself as a leader in the industry. There are some key differences between a good and bad website, so it would be highly advised to hire a professional web designer to ensure your website has a good user experience, SEO functions and a relevant domain name to name some of the key basics. 

2. Email marketing 

Small business can truly make use of email marketing to build brand recognition and customer loyalty. When consumers visit your website, asking them to sign up to an email newsletter (with the small return token of a discount code or freebie) will allow them to stay up to date with new-in stock, sales and offers. People are much more likely to engage with a business that displays a sense of humanity and addresses them personally, which is what email marketing can achieve. There is an array of platforms online to find templates and tools for constructing a professional and polished message to send out to your customers.

3. Traditional marketing is not dead 

Many believe that traditional marketing is well and truly a thing of the past; however, it can be extremely effective for small businesses – especially those which rely on local trade or regularly attend trade events and shows. Eco friendly expo banners, t-shirts and mugs from Redbows imprinted with your companys logo are perfect for instilling brand recognition. In addition, smaller items such as pens, mouse mats and coasters are ideal promotional items to hand out to customers as a tool to keep your brand name top of mind when they arrive home.

4. Share knowledge with your customers 

Do you have a wealth of knowledge in your industry? Dont be afraid to hide it. Consumers are always on the lookout for businesses with significant experience and expertise within their trade, as it builds customer trust, leading to a potential increase in sales. You could consider filming a YouTube tutorial on the use of your products or write regular blog posts on subject matters in your field to express your expertise and stand you in a better position against competitors. 

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