Maria's Space: Hello Lilac, Good Morning Yellow by Judith Drews

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Hello Lilac, Good Morning Yellow by Judith Drews

The 411:

This is an adorable book about colors and the colorful things that are in our everyday lives. I loved giving book to my kids when they were young and I love reading these types of books with my preschool class. Kids love pointing to pictures and learning the names for things and the colors they are. My son grew up on Baby Einstein and most of the books were "real" pictures. This book is the opposite which is something I love most about this book. The adorable sketches and the painted look makes it very different from what I am use to. My class is going to love pointing and either telling me what something is or asking me to name it for them. 


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Love yellow along with turquoise! Cute looking book for my 2 grands!

  2. My favorite color is red.

  3. My favorite color is blue.

  4. Green is my favorite color. Thank you

  5. My favorite color is Orange.

  6. My favorite color changes all the time right now it's aqua blue.

  7. I love Red that's my favorite color

  8. I like the color red

    tiramisu392 (at)

  9. My favorite color is cobalt blue.

  10. My favorite color is purple.


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