Maria's Space: Friday Photo Flashback - March 2003

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Photo Flashback - March 2003

me and Grandma

This weeks Friday Photo Flashback is from my Baby Shower in 2003. This is Grandma (mom's mother). She is now 95 years old and lives with my 94 year old Grandpa in Queens, NY. God Bless them. She has been very worried about me lately with all my medical issues. Hearing her voice while I was at the hospital, I could tell how scared she was. There are three grandchildren for her but, I am the only one who speaks to her. She buried two out of three children and tends to both their graves which are by her summer home in Millbrook, NY.

I am very fortunate to have grandparents both alive at my age. My kids are fortunate too to have Great-Grandparents. Unfortunately, I haven't seen them in three years. Always something one year it was my car and the next was medical reasons. My wish for this year is to make the trip with the kids up to Millbrook, take them to my mom's grave to place flowers than to see their great-grandparents God willing.

Grandma is an old bird but she has a loving heart. I can talk to her like I talk to anyone on the phone, she hears just fine and her mind is still sharp.

We speak weekly and though she has never been an I Love you type of person. I know she loves me with all her heart.


  1. Beautiful photo.

    On a different subject; someone on sent me your flowers photo as an autograph on my page. I gave the guy crap for using your pic, but he says he found it online. I guess it's flattering too, no?

  2. I truly hope you get your wish!

  3. Anonymous7:22 PM

    God Bless them Maria!! I love how her hand is on top of yours. Very Sweet

  4. Freda, That is so crazy! Which one? Has this ever happened to you?

    Renee, Thanks me too!

    Clary, I love that too. It is my fave thing about the photo.

  5. Wonderful picture, and in her 90's that's too awesome, and I know you cherish every moment with her. Hi, I'm from Flashback too, and am following you. Have a great weekend!

  6. What a special relationship you have with her! God willing, you will be able to see her and your grandfather soon!!

  7. What a beautiful photo of the two of you. What a blessing to have both your grandparents and hopefully you all get to see them soon. Our three children were able to meet and have visits with my grandma (dad's mom) on a number of visits before she passed away when she was in her late 90's. And one of our 3 children was able to meet my hubby's mom's dad before he passed away.

    Blessings & Aloha!
    ...doing some blog reading and I hope you get a chance to stop by my place :o)

  8. Maria, I love this photo and love the fact you still have a wonderful relationship with your grandparents.
    I am praying that you get to see them soon. HUGS!


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