Maria's Space: Jamie Curtis Is Right, Activia IS The Best!

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Jamie Curtis Is Right, Activia IS The Best!

My long time readers will remember that last year I had a severe medical condition that started from Diverticulitis and ended up in the hospital for two weeks, was sick for 6 months and finally had to have emergency surgery on my intestine. (Posts here)

Ever since those horrible months, Activia has been a way of life. It is no longer just something I buy if I happen to have a coupon. It is something I have to have every day.

While staying at the hospital, I had a multitude of roommates. Most of them were over the age of 75. They all begged for their Activia. Thankfully we don't need a prescription to get it. You can run right down to your supermarket anytime and pick up a variety of flavors and types depending on your personal preference.

My self prescription is one a day at 10:00 PM at night. Sometimes I have one around 11:00 AM but every night like clockwork. Three weeks ago, I didn't do it for a week to see what what happen. It was not good. I ended up with stomach cramps and hadn't had them since January!

Recently through a campaign through Mom Central I was able to try Activia Selects.

In My Honest Opinion:
My new favorite is the French Fruit On The Bottom!
Yummy. It is divine.  Prior to my intestinal trouble I wasn't a big yogurt fan so when I find something I like, I stick to it. Activia is the one for me and my kids drink Dannon Drinkables! It is a total staple in their day. There is one in their lunch box every day.

The Activia Selects Greek wasn't a favorite for me.  I haven't found a Greek yogurt that I love. It is a bit thicker in texture.

If you are not into yogurt, sample different types, it is important to your digestive system and after a very graphic conversation with some moms on the soccer field a few weeks ago, I am happy to report they are all on Activia. I can't wait to tell them about Activia Selects.

If you still don't like yogurt after trying many, please try the Activia Desserts. They are really good!

Plus when you buy Activia you are helping to fight Breast Cancer: Cups Of Hope

Disclaimer:“I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Dannon Activia Selects Yogurt Series and received a coupon to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.”

1 comment:

  1. My son and I also have to have yogurt on a regular basis. I like the regular Activia and am waiting on a coupon to try the Activia French. I've never tried Greek yogurt.


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